I know of an existing *brother* who is a massive pirate. Big time!
This guy will be the first one to point out faults within other people. There is a glaring reason for his hypocrisy, as he sits at home and ties his PC up 24/7 streaming MP3s off the net, this doesn't seem to hit him though? Weird isn't it. Double standards. He will openly admit that he is not willing to pay for most things in life and states the main reason being that the commercial world is a rip off. Which is probably true, but when I served as a JW I would never have dreamed of downloading and distributing other peoples music, due to the Watchtower stating that basically it is theft and sinful.
Nowadays I'm not so hard in this area and have quite a few copied albums, although when I can afford, I will go out and buy new music.
Hypocrisy is one of the easiest faults to find in another person, and within ourselves quite often. The reason I get upset, is when people are really hard on other people and not so hard on themselves. Very annoying!